4th arrondissement

Museums and galleries

museums and galleries
Hôtel de Sully
62 rue Saint-Antoine
+33 01
Daily 9AM-7PM
Metro: Saint-Paul or Bastille, Bus 69, 76, 96

Built in 1625, the Hotel de Sully is an interesting house with some sculptures in a beautiful courtyard. The house features special exhibitions so check listings when in Paris.

museums and galleries
Centre Georges Pompidou
Place George Pompidou
We-Mo 11AM-10PM
Metro: Rambuteau

Those who are unfamiliar with conceptual art sometimes don't know quite what to expect, or how to approach it. Such travelers should rest assured that the curators at the Pompidou Centre have assembled a marvelous introduction consisting of mostly approachable works which delight, amuse, and entertain. The art is far from the only reason for a visit, as the building also contains a vast public library and a fine restaurant run by the Costes brothers on the roof. In fact the place is literally surrounded by some of the nicest sidewalk cafés in the city, in its superb location between the car-free above ground part of Forum Les Halles and the Marais art district.

museums and galleries
Maison de Victor Hugo
6 Place des Vosges
+33 1 42 72 10 16
Daily 10AM-6PM
Metro: Saint-Paul or Bastille, Bus 20,29,65,69,96

The house in which the famous French novelist Victor Hugo once lived.

Notre-Dame de Paris
Ile de la Cité 6, Place du Parvis Notre Dame F-75004 Paris
+33 1 42 34 56 10
Metro: St Michel

The early Gothic Cathédrale de Notre Dame Our Lady has a 12th century design but wasn't completed until the 14th. Still it is a good example of the development of the style, though the west or main portal is a bit unusual in its rigidity. Remember that this is an active church, there may even be a mass going on. Meanwhile anybody who's interested in history should check out the crypt, entered at the opposite end of the square, in which you can observe the foundation stones for buildings on the island going back to Roman times.